

The Doctor accepts patients following an appointment daily except Saturday & Sunday

12, Poseidonos Av., Variza 16672
Tel: 0030 210 89 71 122
Mob.: 0030 6932 47 33 47
e-mail: [email protected]

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Removable prosthetics

Conventional removable prosthetics offers solutions to patients who have no teeth at all or patients with very few teeth, particularly to cases where the patient is missing all his/her back teeth.

These are the classic complete dentures and partial dentures. In these cases, the dentures must be removed and cleaned by the patient him/herself.

They are made of acrylic resin (a kind of plastic) or metallic frame and resin combined. This type of structure is greatly improved with the use of certain implants that supports it.

Permanent prosthetics

Conventional permanent prosthetics offers in cases where one or some teeth are missing.

This type of treatment includes simple crowns (casesa) if the patient has a broken tooth or a tooth with caries and bridges when more than one tooth are missing.

Also, in cases of teeth with old fillings in the back or broken teeth, permanent prosthetics offers the solution of inlaid "fillings" manufactured in the dental laboratory which cover the part of the tooth that is missing.

All these structures can be made either of a mixture of metals, of a metallic, porcelain-coated frame or of porcelain exclusively for a more appealing effect.

Endodontic laser treatment

The endodontic treatment is the treatment of the tooth's pulp. It is used when the tooth’s pulp is infected because of caries or injury and is removed.

Endodontic treatment is a meticulous and time-consuming procedure. In most cases it is completed in three sessions.

During the first visit:

  • An x-ray of the tooth is made.
  • Local anaesthesia is administered, the tooth is opened and the infected pulp is removed. The dentist cleans and appropriately sets the root canals in place. The root canals are disinfected with special solutions and laser beams to eradicate bacteria.
  • A temporary filling is placed and the patient may be given antibiotics.

During the second visit:

  • The dentist cleans, dries and disinfects every root canal. Then he/she fills every root canal with suitable material (gutta-percha cones).
  • The dentist will need an x-ray to make sure that the root canals have been filled correctly.
  • Then, the tooth is sealed with a temporary filling.

During the third visit:

  • The temporary filling is removed and a permanent filling is made. The dentist then treats the tooth according to the patient’s needs (simple filling, crown, synthetic resin case etc.)

Laser periodontology

Periodontitis is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth which goes deeper. In this case the gingive may separate from the teeth and the bone supporting the teeth roots may be destroyed.

If not readily addressed, the teeth move quite intensely and in the end, are lost. Periodontitis is considered the most common cause of teeth loss in adults.

After removing any material accumulated over or under the gingival of the teeth in question, laser is used to disinfect meticulously every bursa of the infected tooth, leading to a speedy recovery.


Modern implants consist of 2 or 3 parts.

In the case of implants consisting of two parts, there is the main implant where the prosthetic tooth is screwed on, while in the case of a 3-part implant, there is the main implant, the prosthetic stump and the prosthetic crown.

Implants currently used are most often root-like cochleariform implants of rough surface, in cylinder or cone shape.

Prosthetics on Implants

The creation of a whole denture supported by implants placed on the bone or the creation of a permanent bridge that is screwed on.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry aims at creating teeth in a natural way, leading to an excellent and natural aesthetic result. Today's modern materials used in cosmetic procedures are similar to the natural tooth’s structure and so the artificial tooth looks more natural. Moreover, dentists work on the teeth in such a way to minimize any possible damage to the natural teeth.

Laser whitening

Whitening is a procedure through which we can improve the teeth’s color and brightness, making them up to 3 degrees whiter in the VITA color scale.

Tooth removal

Removal of damaged teeth or remaining roots with special levers and stiching of the wound with the most painless method.

Digital radiology imaging schick

With the use of american digital technology we can have a detailed radiological image of the teeth. Its great advantage is that it represents a minimum of radiology for the patient (15 x-rays in the place of 1 conventional film x-ray) and thus, there is greater accuracy, especially for endodontic procedures.

Dental surgery

  • Filling with synthetic resin (composite)
  • Reconstitution of teeth with an endoradical axis made of metal or glass thread with synthetic resin (composite)
  • Fillings made of metal
  • Fillings made of porcelain (zirgonium)

Indicative cost of dental procedures

Examination and treatment design Free of charge
Endodontic treatment with laser for a one root or multiple roots tooth 120 euros
Filling with synthetic materials composite 30 euros
Metal-porcelain 150 euros
Ceramic zirgonium porcelain 220 euros
Removal with stiching 30 euros
Simple teeth cleaning 30 euros
Periodontitis treatment with radiological criteria and laser in at least 5 sessions 250 euros
Complete artificial denture 600 euros
Crown implant with metal-porcelain 1200 euros
Laser whitening of the upper and lower maxilla 220 euros